Member Enrollment opens once a year.
Sign up below to be notified when enrollment opens. Enrollment paths:
When enrollment opens, we'll ask you to select your path, based on the following:
If you have been a member of the collective in the past or if you trained to become a doula with RLBC, Sumi’s Touch or Cornerstone Birthkeepers - please complete this form and then choose your member type below for next steps.
If you have never been a member of the collective but you are trained or experienced as a doula, please complete this form and then choose your member type below for next steps. If you do not yet have training or experience in being a doula but you are interested in becoming a member of the collective now with the intention of taking a training in the near future, while building community with us, please complete this form and then choose your member type below for next steps. All our member types are a one year commitment and we want you to know from the jump that we center our humanity and our thriving here. We are rematriating our lives and that means taking care of ourselves, our planet and each other first in all ways, always. We actively support the cultivation of our community and developing your practice and/or enterprise so that you can thrive.
General MemberFor any BIPOC doula who wishes to remain in the loop and connected with the collective, but may not have capacity to commit to an active membership or be active in our regular activities. We will keep you informed about our projects, activities and actions and welcome you to attend, share and participate in whatever way you see fit.
4 hours a season community accountability no member space access Pay via paypal.me/rootsoflaborbc No-one turned away for lack of funds. ACtive memberActive RLBC members organize and participate in our projects and activities as well as offering full spectrum doula support to our community and supporting the day to day running of the collective. Some benefits of membership that we'd like to highlight here include:
We offer two tiers of active membership in acknowledgement that some of us may have more time than fiscal capacity and vice versa. If cost is a barrier to joining the collective, please reach out to [email protected]
SUNSHINE$25/month (or $250/year)
24 hours a season (8 hours a month) community accountability member space access |
MOONLIGHT$45/month (or $450/year)
12 hours a season (4 hours a month) community accountability member space access |
Thank you for being in community with us
We believe that everyone deserves a doula.
#EveryoneDeservesaDoula #EDD
Calculate and pay the Shuumi Land Tax (SF Bay Area)
[email protected]
(805) 910-RLBC (7522)
#EveryoneDeservesaDoula #EDD
Calculate and pay the Shuumi Land Tax (SF Bay Area)
[email protected]
(805) 910-RLBC (7522)