This experience highlighted how much we depend on our social media to stay connected with you all which is why we started this blog, which we hope you will come to visit on the regular! It’s listed on our linktree too for easy access from any of our social accounts.
We invite and really REALLY encourage you to sign up for our email list so if anything like this every happens again you'll be the first to know what’s happening and how you can support us. It’s only through community that we exist and are able to do the work we are doing. Plus, you’ll be able to stay on top of all things RLBC!
Please let us all know where we can find you off socials too! Do you have an email list or website? Let us know below so we can check it out and uplift your work! It's never too late to start either, so if you haven't thought about this until now, let us know what you're thinking about doing and if you have any questions, feel free to list them too! Alone we know a little but together we know a lot!
We’ll be posting on the blog 2-3 times a week with updates on what the collective is up to, how you can support us in our mission to ensure that everyone has access to the support they want as they move through transitions and transformations as well as features of current and heirloom members and more.
Coming up soon:
- updates on our SRJ doula service
- member enrollment is about to open up
- we’ll be announcing our next skillshare soon
- next Tuesday we have a community check-in on Clubhouse at 9am!
Hope to see you there!