Happy Spring Equinox to you! The spring equinox is when day and night are as close to equal as they typically get. Many view this as a time of rebirth and renewal, and a good time to check in with yourself about balance, self-care and where you may need to make some adjustments.
Many births happen at this time, fresh out of winter.. It’s considered a time of awakening and new growth and it’s a beautiful time to set new intentions for the upcoming season. And a good time, as always, to root deeper into your rest practice. However you move in this time, I hope you’re centering your needs and offering yourself care.
Many births happen at this time, fresh out of winter.. It’s considered a time of awakening and new growth and it’s a beautiful time to set new intentions for the upcoming season. And a good time, as always, to root deeper into your rest practice. However you move in this time, I hope you’re centering your needs and offering yourself care.